Project Types


Flawless Processes comes to your location(s) where we offer numerous services.


Flawless Processes will work with your company via the Internet using Virtual Conferencing Services and secure document sharing/drops while offering a variety of services.

Project Based

Your company can hire Flawless Processes on a per project basis. This means that the contract is based on each project separately and based on the completion of the project, not on a timeframe.

Short Term Contracts

Flawless Processes will work with your company for a short -term contracted time for a variety of services. Some examples are: Audits, Annual Audits, Management Reviews, Document Control Process.

Long Term Contracts

Flawless Processes will work with your company under a long/longer term contract for a variety of services. Some examples are: Quality Systems “Interim” Manager, Managing your company’s Business Management System, Leadership Mentoring Programs, Leadership Training and Year Long, Quarterly Auditing. This is also known as a Retainer Contract.

Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. That’s why companies call Flawless Processes.